Happy New Year everyone!
The New Year is the perfect time to start afresh, especially with your eating habits that may have gone slightly awry over the last few weeks.
It’s always such an excessive time isn’t? There’s no other season that makes it ok to stuff your face. But that’s life, and it’s always about balance, so I hope you’ve had a good time doing it!
That said, it’s always nice to get back on track as there’s only so much one can consume in those quantities, so if you’re feeling the after effects of the festive season (I know I am!) then a few simple changes can really help you to feel back to your perky best.
This isn’t about making drastic changes, although if that’s what you fancy, then go for it. This is more of a quick way to help your body cut down on any excesses, aid detoxification, reduce any sluggishness and to give you more energy.
1. Sip smart
Swap your morning latte for a cup of antioxidant rich green tea, a cup of hot water with lemon or a green juice/smoothie.
Whilst caffeine can give you a superficial boost, it actually places a stress on your system leaving you feeling drained and craving more caffeine for another boost of energy.
It’s a vicious circle. Hot water and lemon is a common cleanser, and a green juice is packed full of nutritious vegetables, helping to restore diminished nutrient stores.
Dehydration is likely so remember to keep sipping on water throughout the day.
2. Reduce your sugar intake
Alcohol, cakes, chocolate, mince pies… December is packed full of them and eventually they will zap your energy (as well as becoming addictive).
You need to come off this sugar rollercoaster by cutting these out. Your digestive system, skin and energy levels will thank you.
3. Think clean, lean and green
Tis the season of heavy, rich and unprocessed foods. Give your body a break by avoiding these (including red meat and wheat) and stick to whole, natural and unprocessed foods.
Smoothies like this and soups are a great alternative to heavy meals and provide your body with a much needed nutritional boost.
Alternatively, lean meats, poultry, fish, leafy green vegetables, brown rice and quinoa are always a good bet.
4. Stick to 3 meals a day plus 1 snack
Eating constantly throughout the day with little break places a HUGE burden on the digestive system.
If you are constantly metabolising food it leaves little time for any other essential functions like detoxifying, cleansing, recovery and repair.
Sticking to a schedule of three meals plus a snack or two allows your body to be able to fully digest your food and concentrate on the other important functions as well as healing.
5. Move your body
This doesn’t have to be a super intense workout (although it won’t hurt if you’re up to it!), as your body might require something a bit more gentle, but anything to get the heart pumping, muscles moving and blood really circulating.
Sometimes moving in a restorative way like yoga, hiking or cycling means you’re able to release tension from your body in more restorative way, aiding recovery and repair.
6. Sleep well and often
It’s likely you’ve been burning the candle at both ends and the cost of this is always sleep. Even if you have been sleeping longer hours, consuming alcohol means that the quality of your sleep is compromised.
Get to bed earlier, switch off from technology and get some much needed R&R.