You started the New Year with so much promise and hope.  You joined the gym and threw away the junk food full of good intentions.  However, a month on, the first of January seems like a century ago, and your motivation and enthusiasm that seemed unstoppable is rapidly declining (into an empty pack of hobnobs) it’s time to turn things around.  Don’t feel ashamed as you are not alone – most people have given up their New Year’s resolutions by the third week of January.  The trick is that healthy eating resolutions shouldn’t be complicated, as this makes them difficult to stick to.  So if you’re trying to be healthier this 2013, these simple suggestions are a good to place to start!

  1. Drink more water
  2. Eat less processed foods (with the recent revelation that horse meat has been found in some Tesco’s burgers this shouldn’t be too difficult!)
  3. Add vegetables to every meal
  4. Add protein and healthy fats to every meal
  5. Have more non drinking days than drinking days
  6. Eat foods in season
  7. Reduce your dairy intake
  8. Reduce your caffeine intake

 Voila! If doing all eight feels a bit daunting, start with one or two, and once you have mastered those add in a few more.  It’s about adopting healthier eating habits in the long term. As always, Let me know how you get on.